Friday, May 30, 2008


Oh man, this is more than a little creepy. Not just inherently because it's about molestation, but because it's like a how-to for pervys. HOWEVER, it's funnier than a penguin playing the banjo, SO it should totally make up for my blog-slacking (hey, it happens when you have you are out there having ridonkulously roaring fun times)! So, have a good weekend, and watch out for Mr Macgregor and his wood working (yes, it feels nice at first, but then you KNOW it's just wrong)...


Jay said...

Oh sure, I'm first today. Everybody is just waiting for someone else to come in start mocking that kid, right?

"Mr. Mac touched my penis. And then it got really long and hard. Then he took this blue pill and said it would make his long and hard too."

There, happy now? ;-)

Warped Mind of Ron said...

Sure everyone start bugging out on Mr Mac, but he taught that kid some valuable carpentry skills. I mean really did you see the birdhouse he built! That kid could be making some money now, but what's he do? Starts this video disparaging an old man that tried to teach him a skill. I mean really poor Mr Mac already had a rough life being turned down by the priesthood and the boy scouts and now he can't even hang out at the day care!!!

Verdant Earl said...

Opie and Anthony - on XM Radio - have been playing this for about a week now.

They even made an 80's style sitcom promo for it. Hilarious and creepy at the same time.

"Let's take a picture..."

Malach the Merciless said...

Hey, that's Kirk Cameron!

Malicious Intent said...

OH man, that was gross! I need a shower now.

billymac said...

jesus fuck... who the hell made that PSA???

Forrest Proper said...

I kept waiting for the kid to take Mr. Mac's nail gun and empty the entire magazine into the guy's crotch, yelling "Does THAT Feel Good, You Old Perv?!?!?!!"


TomboCheck said...

I told grandpa that letting the video cameras in on his workshop fun time would make him look bad, but he just wouldn't listen.

Anonymous said...

god, Mr. Mac and his damn wood. That man is freaky! Oh, the nightmares i will have, T-Bird!

Have a great day, darlin'!

fu said...

that video is just wrong. I gotta try that paint trick. now all I need to do is build a birdhouse and wait for kids

Anonymous said...

That old dude totally looked like a perv to begin with. Should've hacked his dick off with that saw.