Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Handful of Random Stuff

I’m not quite sure what to think of this product. I am interested, but yet more than mildly disgusted. I am all for alcohol exploration (new and creative frontiers of boozing!), but to me, bacon vodka sounds like it might release a person from the shame and self recrimination of morning drinking. Maybe have it with a shot of cheese rum and some greasy hash browns to soak it up? This sets a bad precedent. I enjoy drinking, but even I don’t tie one on in the morning. Granted, a person COULD drink it later, but I can only handle so much bacon. Besides, WTF would you mix it with, because not everyone drinks their vodka straight. I’m thinking cranberry and bacon vodka would probably taste vile.
i am confused

Something I definitely like (despite not drinking beer) is this shirt. Although, I’m fairly sure if I wore it out, I would get some random groping from gross people, which I wouldn’t dig. Maybe I would just need to wear it to a lesbian bar and hope that most of the other people there were hot.

Boobs McGrabbins

And this has nothing to do with boozing (well maybe it does because alcohol might encourage it), but I was greatly amused by this poster. Thanks google trends for telling us about the trend history of ass-to-mouth vs anal fisting. How was 2006 for you?
what what in the butt?


Leighann said...

Bacon flavored vodka.... my day is now complete since I've vomitted in my mouth!

TomboCheck said...

anal fisting did get a lot better in 2006!! :)

Mike said...

Ok, let's meet. I'll wear the purple spandex if you wear that shirt (and only that shirt).

How's that grab you? Wait... that's my hand.


Anonymous said...

You never go ass to mouth.

Eric & Pug said...

Jack the pug approves. Says rrraconrrrific.

Mike said...

I wish someone would make a gin flavored vodka. Ever since I gave up gin and started drinking vodka instead I have thought that this would be a great idea.

Dirty Uncle Bob said...

It all seems very sequential. First you put away a bottle of Bacon Booze, grope up on your can while covered in the bacon grease, and then, since everyones already greasy from bacon booze, get wrist deep in some anus. Typical Tuesday shenanigans.

Moooooog35 said...

I think we can correlate the rise in anal fisting interest with the introduction of the bacon flavored vodka.

Warped Mind of Ron said...

Maybe there is an egg vodka and hash brown vodka out there and you can just get totally shit faced at breakfast.

R.E.H. said...

I wish someone would make me a pair of boxers just like that T-Shirt... that would work well ;)

The bacon flavored vodka... eeew!

Anonymous said...

I have that shirt in blue, girl. I love this shirt. It's my favorite thing to wear around my Ma just to freak her out and piss her off. works like a charm everytime.

bacon flavored vodka would make me barf my face off. damn, and i thought everything went well with bacon. i mean, shit, you wrap bacon around a damn foot and i'll gnosh on it. but in vodka, well, it just crossed the line,T-Bird!

You have a terrific Tuesday, girl!!

Verdant Earl said...

At first I was disgusted at the very idea of bacon-flavored vodka.

Then I thought about maybe using it for a morning Bloody Mary.

Then I made myself a Bloody Mary sans the bacon-flavored vodka...I used tequila instead which, if you want to be stickler, made it a Bloody Maria.

Which just happens to be the all-time greatest daytime drink ever created.

I could go for a BLT right about now. Huh?

Tequila Mockingbird said...

BE EARL: I fucking love your logic.

Chuck said...

I'm thinking the bacon vodka mixed with a couple raw eggs (sans Rocky) might not be a bad thing. Nothing like getting your protein and a buzz at the same time. If only Dr. Atkins was still alive to see this...

Richard Catto said...

I'd only buy that bacon flavoured Vodka if it came with a pig's corkscrew penis in the bottle.

No pig penis, no deal.

Hungry Mother said...

Anal fisting is its own reward.

Atlas Cerise said...

I see Malach discovered a new hobby in 2006.

Malach the Merciless said...

Hobby, making t-shirts, sure.

I AM SORRY! Haiku to TM

Malach is Stupid
TM does not look like G
She is very hot

Tequila Mockingbird said...

MALACH: maybe it is the ketel one talking (we are pre drinking before going to karaoke at old chi), but you are forgiven. dont be a dick again.

Simply Curious said...

I don't think bacon flavored vodka should be mixed. If it already has a flavor, adding something would be adding insult to injury.

Richard Catto said...

Rule #1:

Everything can and should be mixed for maximum enjoyment.

AngryMan said...

More of a sausage vodka girl?

none said...

I could see the bacon vodka in a spicy bloody mary but that's about it.

Excuse me while I go hurl ;)

Baba Doodlius said...

What's next? I know:


Ginormous Boobs said...

I have to admit I did take a roadtrip from LA to Portland to visit a donut shop. And the donut I was most after...the maple bacon one.

So I'm going to have to say I'd probably go to great lengths to aquire a bottle of this here vodka.

Anonymous said...

Forget anal fisting, I'm wondering why ass-to-mouth is still languishing in obscurity.