Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Buffet of Ignorance

Discrimination is one of the lamest forms of douchebaggery. While reading the MN Atheist newsletter, I came across a story about the owner of Q.Cumbers Restaurant losing business because he was an atheist. I decided to check out this place to see if maybe there wasn’t other reasons why he lost people’s business. It was not your typical buffet; with a 50 foot salad bar, and signs all over the place that said “no preservatives” or “no msg” and many vegetarian friendly dishes, it was not only healthy but delFUCKINlicious. Q.Cumber’s totally took the fatass factor out of buffet dining, with no fried food, and replacing ice cream with frozen yogurt. The “no waste” signs are also a fantastic idea, reminding people not to be greedy bastards, and only get what they are going to actually eat.

About the only way I would stop patronizing a food establishment is if I found pubes in their food or found out there was cat meat in my low mein. But to stop eating at a place simply because of the owner’s religious preferences is just asstarded. Unless those religious preferences include sacrificing babies or not washing their hands after using the bathroom, there is no excuse. And this owner of the restaurant, Mickey McCabe, is actually a nice guy. The second time I went there, he was there bussing tables, which is more the norm for a small diner, however this is a much larger place, where you wouldn’t expect to see that . I talked to him, told him I read the article about him. He was a very down to earth guy and he stopped what he was doing to talk to me for about 10 minutes. He said he had been receiving a bit of hate mail since the story.

It’s sad when people are so wrapped up in religion (or the lack thereof) that they can’t enjoy good, healthy food. Maybe they deserve the greasy, artery clogging, bland food of Old Country Buffet as punishment for their ignorance. I know most of you who read this aren’t from Minnesota, but if you do happen to stop into town, check
Q.Cumbers out.
Old COuntry Buffet

On a lighter note, today is Calvin Crustitron’s 24th birthday. I owe you a beer, you whacky sonofabitch.


Anonymous said...

Fucking atheists and their health food bullshit.

I'll have another bowl of chips & queso please, I'm on the fast track to heaven.

Moooooog35 said...

This guy should rename his menu items, like:

- Crucifix kabobs

- Mohammed's Mainly Meatball Sub (extra points for the ironic "beef factor")

- Shroud of Turnip Soup

- Pew Pew Platter

- Catholic Priest Donut Hole/cruller combination

- Atheist Platter (consists of two aborted chicken embryos (served any style), two strips of Bethlehem Bacon, Satan sausage, and a Virgin Mary)

FreeOscar said...

Does he sacrifice virgins?

Mmmm virgins...

Mike said...

Many many years ago, I made the mistake of eating at An Old Cuntry Buffet. Oh god, what a gagtastic mistake that was. I'm not too particular about food and even less particular about where I eat, but this place was ridiculously bad. It's like they took they worst of Cracker Barrel and Bill Knapps and made one a restaurant even worse than either of them combined.

Really, there's just no reason for it.

Jay said...

If any person or group boycotted a place because of the owner's extremist Christian beliefs, that person or group would be condemned by everyone and probably receive all kinds of death threats from the people who talk about the "sanctity of life" and other shit like that.

The breakfast at the Country Buffet looks pretty good though. ;-)

Anonymous said...

isn't that the beautiful thing about freedom and choice?
My fat ass would surely belly up if the grub is good regardless of what they thought.
Eating is nearly a sexual experience to us fat folks if the vittles are good.

Unknown said...

It has been a few years since I ventured up to Minnesota. So I don't know when I could go to Q's

Our current culture of non-religious discrimination makes me angry.

Doc said...

I think that people should choose to spend their money in any way they want and if that includes not spending money with someone because you disagree with their religion or politics then go for it... I wouldn't do it but won;t say that others shouldn't

Tequila Mockingbird said...

Doc: you totally missed the point of this post.

MrRyanO said...

I like food.

As long as it is not served in a bowl made from shit and shit extract then I am good.

Chuck said...

Pubes found in food are always a lovely surprise. I wonder if certain pubes add different kinds of flavors. Like, are Mexican pubes more spicier? How about British pubes? I bet they make food taste real bland. Japanese pubes are better eaten raw perhaps? Hmmmm....very interesting, don't ya think?

buffalodick said...

I always frown when people try to sell their goods in the name of religion. If they are ethical, that religion will shine through.. and you don't have to believe in a faith to be ethical!

Schmoop said...

Did you see what they ate at the Last Supper? Bitter Herbs and shit. Pfffffft, gimme a good atheist buffet anyday. Cheers!!

Warped Mind of Ron said...

Hey if the place is clean and the food is good I don't care what beliefs they may or may not have. As long as they aren't trying to convince me to change my ways while I eat it's none of my business.

Buzzardbilly said...

Right now I imagine some snooty Christian who is boycotting this restaurant sitting at a Chinese buffet saying "I just couldn't eat food prepared by someone who doesn't believe in Jesus."

Captain Flak Paperpants said...

Fuck. Now I want me some BACON.

Mike said...

This is the fanatical right wing christian right at it's best.

Well, except for the ones who picket soldiers funerals with "no fags" signs.

There are quite a few American candidates for the new presidency who belong to the fanatical right wing christian right.

Be scared, very scared.

BTW, if one of these fucktards gets into office, I have a spare bedroom in my house in Canada.

First come first serve, if that first is Tequila. She's hot ;)

billymac said...

I'll pretty much eat or try to eat anything once... like i give a hairy-rat's-ass what the beliefs are of the cook (or owner). I do have a long memory for suckage, if you suck, i won't be back.

R.E.H. said...

I would check it out if they served actual food - it ain't food if it ain't got meat... that's my philosophy anyway ;)

BTW... I've honored you with an award over at my place!

Tequila Mockingbird said...

REH: they do serve real food. not all of their food is vegetarian, but they do OFFER it. for example, in their pasta bar, they have non meat sketti sauce or regular sketti sauce. they also have roasted chicken, chili and soups that contain meat.

thanks for the award!

Jon said...

So you're saying that some religious folk are intolerant toward others with different beliefs or non-beliefs?

That's like telling me that some people believe everything they read on the internet... oh wait, you already did that today.

Anonymous said...

oh, tequila! once again you are right on the money. your wisdom abounds as usual. and i soak up your words like a sponge. a fucking today's sponge, tequila.

and that picture of the country buffet food has me craving bacon like you would not believe!!!

Hungry Mother said...

Some of us pagans are vegetarians, too.

Malach the Merciless said...

Nice, now your reviewing restaurants too! Any all you can drink bars?

Elise said...

I don't care who the people are serving food unless a) the food is gross b) they are gross! xx

AngryMan said...

I agree, a person's religion should not stop people from going to that person's business. Well, unless the owner is a Scientologist. Or a Mormon. Or a Baptist.
So, yes, other than those three areas, it shouldn't matter.

Ben O. said...

I like pizza buffets. I actually have a theory about why they are disappearing from our planet.

Interesting post - Ben O.

Bruce, a work in progress said...

Thanks sucks. I'd be going there every week.
I now live near where I went to college. Back then there was a little truck stop nearby that was great for the 2AM post drinking food binge. They expanded and built a "proper" restaurant/diner but the food was still good and they were open 24 hours.
Since then they started doing a buffet, have been taken over by bluehairs by the busload, close at TEN O'FREAKIN' CLOCK, and (the worst) have Jesus and Christian prayer crap ALL OVER the place! I wouldn't mind any of that if the food were still good...but it's not.

Anonymous said...

I never saw the point in arguing religion. We'll all find out the truth. Religion, ultimately, is an objective science.