What mindfucks me, is they allow two people, both with sex tapes, each with divorces to unbalanced people and obviously very poor judgment to get married. Although, I must admit, it was a classy event, her in denim dress, and pigs in a blanket on the menu (I think they should’ve filmed the wedding in green night vision, like the kind they use to catch Mexicans hopping the border and in the Paris Hilton sex tape). It’s legal for this SlutBag and UeberTool to get married, when it’s almost certainly doomed, yet homosexuals can’t legally marry. That logic is more than a little skewed. If it’s a concern about morality, the gays certainly seem to have more of a legitimate “right” to be married.

There was another group of people who had a problem with gay people too. The Nazi’s. Many people gloss over their occupation of the concentration camps and subsequent deaths. The figures that usually get thrown around are 6 million deaths in the Holocaust, but in actuality it was 11 million total, with 6 million being Jews. I’m surprised the Republicans haven’t started tossing around “final solutions” to gay marriage yet, with their nazi-like intolerance.
Bottom line, if skeezy-weasels are allowed to get married, two people of the same sex who are in love (or just want the same healthcare and other benefits heterosexual’s garner when they marry) should be afforded the same rights.
Don't worry the Repbooblicans have a plan for the Jews & gays to get perfected.
What exactly does Hep C taste like?
sara, Hep C tastes like:
Am I the only one thinking that Pam's Hepatititis would be the best tasting disease ever?
It's either that, or Jennifer Love-Hewitt's yeast infection.
..okay..sorry..just made myself throw up a little.
C.rag: i never had any doubt they did. my gay best friend is jewish. bet they have a lot in store for him!
Sara: looks like eric answered you.
Eric: ICK!
Mooog: yes, i think you are the only one that thinks that. if you ever get a taste, be sure to blog about it.
I say anyone stupid enough to actually want to get married should be able to. whether it's two mo's rubbing sticks or a clam sandwich. As for myself, i went down the isle kicking and screaming.
"Rubbing sticks" "Clam Sandwiches"
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I want a Hepatitis C sandwich. WOW! Hepatitis has the work TIT in it. That is tits!
A final solution for the gays from the people that "organized" the relief effort for hurricane Katrina? There's no doubt they're big on talk (all bullshit) and ideas (none of them good) but they fall down just a wee bit on planning and implementation.
Yeah you wonder too how many diseases Solamon has. And how do you get his job, sleeping with Hollywood Floozies?
at least let lesbians marry each other....
just looking at lady liberty and blind justice getting it on makes me horny.
If they serve my Hep C on a Pam Anderson platter, I am going back for seconds.
You make an excellent point about gay marriage and I whole-heartedly approve of it as long as both women are hot!
Ted: sounds like you knocked her up.... morning sickness always makes brides "glow".
C.rag: yep, Pam puts the "tit" in HepaTITus. now, lets you and i put the "US" in a pam hepatitus sammich!
Bruce: ugh.
Malach: i think it comes naturally. interested?
Joseph: mmm hot lesbians!
Mike: nothing hotter than yellow tinged boobies.
No shotgun, I just feared marriage like I fear death and prison rape
Amen, Tequila. Love that image!
Well, speaking as a resident of Massachusetts, where gay marriage has been legal for a few years now, I can say that, much as I doubted their dire predictions, the opponents who warned us aganst it were right- Satan now walks the streets daily as our kids perform unnatural acts with goats in kindergarten and every single hetero couple in the state has gotten divorced and turned gay or lesbo, and we burned all the churches.
Oh, wait.... none of that happened, did it?
Huh. It wasn't the end of the world. Who'da thunk it?
I’m surprised the Republicans haven’t started tossing around “final solutions” to gay marriage yet, with their nazi-like intolerance.
You haven't heard what few right wing-nut wackos say about that very subject in this state. Couldn't get the local NPR station a while back and just couldn't make myself listen to what was playing on the pop stations at the time so I tuned into an AM station. One pseudo-intellectual on local talk radio show talked about removing the gay gene from an embryo's DNA. The show's host actually agreed with the idea. The next day I made sure to put my Buffett CD's back in the car if NPR wasn't available.
As you may or may not know, same-sex marriage is legally recognized in Canada. There were of course the doomsdayers. One of the biggest reasons the opposition party at the time was against it was because it opened up a whole bunch of...lets call them a can of worms...but one of them was polygamy. Well...the opposition was laughed at, made fun of in every newspaper, etc. Well..guess what? The polygamist are taking it to the Supreme Court.
Me personally...I'm still on the fence a bit..but have come to appreciate their plight. I personally don't mind the same-sex marriage thing as it really doesn't affect me...but the Pride Parades where the most flamboyant come to flaunt it...that I have a problem with. From what I hear...most gay and lesbians don't call those that dress up in those parades gay or lesbian...just queer.
Well, living just an hour away from San Francisco, where gay marriage is legal, no wait it's not ... yeah,it is, no, this week it's not. Anyway ... why should it be the government's business who I marry? Stay the fuck out of my bedroom! You get my taxes and that's it, who I fuck, marry, lick, kiss or tickle is MY BUSINESS. Live and let live.
Oh ... and Eric that link you provided is amazing!
Well, if gays aren't evil, then why are they gay? Do you see how your logic eats itself, Tequila? Do you want evil people to marry? Are you really a terrorist? You must, that would be the only reason that you would think that two people who love each other and want to commit to each other should marry.
My mates brother married his boyfriend. (Good party as it happens). My mates 5 year old daughter asked "Why can 2 men marry?" He said "Because they love each other. That's enough"
Her two gerbils were happily joined in holy wedlock the following day....
At least our government allows ugly people to marry each other. What's with the so-called hot stars going after the ugos? Kid Rock anyone?
Wow, look what you can do when you aren't drinking! nice post
or were you?
The picture exactly symbolizes what is wrong with your country, yes, yes.
Ack. I forgot what I was going to say after thinking of tasting Jennifer Love Hewitt's yeastie.
4D'S, where were the two gerbils when they got hitched? was it dark and stinky?
Good post, but the image is priceless!
LMAO and sent it around.
Amen to that.
Gay marriage is legal in UK now.
Unfortunately skeezy-weasel marriage is also still legal.
Great post. I always love the "threat to marriage" argument. Hells bells, my marriage managed to fall apart without the influence of a single gay person. We heteros can fuck it up All On Our Own!
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